My 2023 ProVerbs

Because God is in our hearts,
Our bodies are God's temple

Love is a sweet melody
that you hear and feel,
but no words can describe.
It's neither wordy nor worldly
for it's not of this world.
Love is stronger than anything.
Its vital weakness is when 
it gets contact with material nature,
because it turns into lust.
It becomes greedy, selfish,
and too focused on oneself.
It transforms into the perverted 
reflection of love. "Self-love", 
foolishly it says, is the
greatest love of all.

Judgement is not simply
an opinion stated as fact,
but an opinion supported by facts.
Be judgmental, not judge-mental,
nor in any way sentimental.
This world's a hospital for mental. 


.Although calling someone stupid
will not make me smarter,
there are times when
I'd rather be sincere than clever,
righteous than compassionate,
and ignorant but honest. 

Reserve your words in your ventures;
let your deeds do the talking, so that
when you have to speak about your labor,
you'll narrate the battle that you fought
and not the dream that you imagined. 
If you think that I am 
saintly because i often pray, 
you are wrong. I am but a lost demon,
who is having a desire 
to be with the One,
who designed my misery 
that reminds me of my home, 
which I'm so far away from.
This mindset and words of a friend
are dangerous and alarming; for him,
it is okay for a leader to kill criminals
without due process. 

 People will 
comprehend things more clearly
if you demonstrate your correctness
rather than point out their errors.
Devotion doesn't entail 
demeaning others
you deem lesser 
than yourself.

The spirit is
the essence of a person,
the soul is the essence
of the spirit.
You may deceive everyone.
including yourself, but you
cannot deceive God.

A sour loser is
worse than a loser.

Posted today 093023



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