Siddha's Adage

Devotional service is
not what you do, it's
the consciousness
that you're in. -Siddha

Material happiness is likened
to trying to drink from
an ocean of salty water.

Due to the desire for sense pleasures,
people try to conquer nature but end up
destroying the world.

Material information gets old.
Spiritual knowledge is ever fresh.
The more you sincerely hear
transcendental knowledge,
the deeper your realizations become.
I Exist. I will always exist.
I am the eternal spark of life
only temporarily in this mortal frame.
The body will die. But I will never die.
"I hope I have at least one."
Siddha Swarup Ananda's response
when asked about how
many followers he has. 

Simply by the dim reflection of sunlight,
one becomes liberated. Likewise,
simply by the dim reflection of
the Transcendental Sound,
one becomes liberated.

My cover of the song "Water"
by SiddhaSwarup AnandaParamahamsa
a.k.a. Jagad Guru Chris Butler




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